
Making Your House A Home

How To Use Home Accessories The Right Way

If you are currently trying to decorate your home, whether it is a new space or you are sprucing up an old one, you may be thinking about adding some home accessories and decor items to your space. However, when many people use home accessories in their spaces, they do so without regard to how everything will work together in the space and the overall design aesthetic. If you want to use home accessories the right way in your home, get to know some of the ways that you can go about doing so. Then, you can be sure that you choose the right home accessories to enhance your space and give it the vibe and feel that you are going for with your interior design.  

Choose Home Accessories the Coordinate Rather than Match

First and foremost, when you are designing a space and adding home accessories to it, you want to be sure that you are coordinating colors, textures, and patterns rather than matching them. Having a room where everything matches is monotone and boring (even if that one color is bold). You want to mix and match a bit more than that to create an interesting and inviting space. 

If, for example, you like an English country cottage style for your home, you can mix patterns like plaid and floral in a single room. This contrast of patterns helps to make the space interesting to the eye, breaks things up, and adds variety. However, if you are mixing patterns, be sure the color schemes are similar or the same to ensure that they coordinate. 

Coordination is about finding the balance between contrast and sameness to create the perfect space. Your home accessories can make all the difference in the world in creating a space that looks cohesive and coordinated. 

Go for Quality Above All Else

Above all else, when you are choosing home accessories to decorate a space, you want to choose items of quality. Buying a lot of cheaply made items will do very little to enhance your space in comparison to one or two pieces of higher quality. 

Do not get consumed with having to have a lot of home accessories in a space. Choosing just a few that perfectly coordinate with your other decor and that are high quality and will last you a long time is more important and will serve your space better. 

These are just a few tips to help you use home accessories in the right way. Now, you can go out and shop for those home accessories that will complete and complement your space. 

About Me

Making Your House A Home

You might like your house, but do you really feel at home? Although it might be easy to assume that you can just put up a few pictures and buy a nicer sofa, the real trick to interior decorating is knowing how to use what you already have. For example, how are you going to incorporate that lovely set of old books? How could you use that antique weather vane? I want you to make your home a unique, beautiful space, which is why I started this interior design blog. Read on to learn tips and tricks that will help you to make your space really special.