
Making Your House A Home

Hardwood Flooring 101: 4 Handy Tips For Choosing A Color You'll Love

Hardwood flooring is a great addition to any home. Hardwood flooring is both beautiful and easy to maintain. It also increases the value of your home. This makes it an appealing option when it comes to home flooring.

If you have decided that hardwood flooring is for your home, you are probably excited to get shopping. While selecting hardwood flooring might seem easy, you can easily become overwhelmed by the vast amount of color choices available. Fortunately, you can narrow down your hardwood flooring color options by following these four tips:

1. Be Careful With Dark Colors

Dark hardwood flooring is certainly beautiful, but it isn't ideal for all spaces. One of the most important aspects to consider when choosing a color for your hardwood flooring is the size and color of the room. Dark rooms, whether large or small, should stay away from dark flooring, because the darkness of the walls and flooring can quickly make a room appear small and gloomy. Additionally, smaller rooms should avoid dark flooring colors as well, as this can make the room appear even smaller.

2. Don't Focus On Matching

It can be very tempting to match your hardwood flooring color to other wood elements of your home. While it might seem pleasing to the eye, it is usually the opposite. Too much of a single color in a room can make it appear boring, small, and unpleasant. Instead, when matching your flooring to other wood elements, choose a color that complements it. This will create a more harmonious room that allows the eyes to wander.

3. Opt For Natural Colors For Less Maintenance

If you are concerned about seeing scratches on your hardwood flooring, opt for natural colors. Shades of brown, such as walnut, are the most naturally colored stains you can find. Since they are not super light or very dark, these colors will make it much easier to conceal scratches, stains, or dents. Unstained, natural wood flooring is another option that is very forgiving.

4. Take Samples Home

Finally, make sure you bring samples of the hardwood flooring you are interested in home. While the samples might look great at the store, you might find that they aren't as appealing at home. This is because lighting can drastically change the color of the flooring. Additionally, wall color and other factors may change the appearance of the wood flooring. So before committing to any color, make sure you take it home and look at it over the course of a few days.

The color of wood flooring you choose will have a significant impact on the appearance of your home. If you are feeling overwhelmed, or simply don't know where to start, use these four tips to ensure you choose a wood flooring color you love. 

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Making Your House A Home

You might like your house, but do you really feel at home? Although it might be easy to assume that you can just put up a few pictures and buy a nicer sofa, the real trick to interior decorating is knowing how to use what you already have. For example, how are you going to incorporate that lovely set of old books? How could you use that antique weather vane? I want you to make your home a unique, beautiful space, which is why I started this interior design blog. Read on to learn tips and tricks that will help you to make your space really special.